I always think of my dog Stormy as my late in life child, or my grandpup. He and I look very much alike, especially when I need to have my hair recolored. We are both grey with some black and white mixed in. He enjoys cuddling on the couch, watching TV and anything I eat, is fine snacking for him. Stormy enjoys a good nap with me. My friends are his friends. I will never have to pay for college, cars, weddings, or graduations. Stormy loves and protects me. I can buy him presents, toys and treats. He is never disappointed or unhappy with my choices. I can be the most indulgent grandparent. I answer only to the vet, and hopefully that is at his yearly check up.
This is my first experience as a dog owner. Allergies, expense, inconvenience, always prevented me from buying a pet. I did buy the kids newts ( Aragon is now 7 years old) frogs, turtles, fish but that was for them, Stormy is mine. I bought Stormy during a sad time in my life. My father had died suddenly, I lost a job I loved, and I had a serious flood in my basement. I felt lost, without direction, and questioned my identity. My friend CCC the animal lover, suggested a dog. My husband suggested a shrink. Stormy was exactly what this Grammy needed. It took Grandpa a little longer. Through Stormy I met great neighbors who provided parenting advise and support. Stormy is a great grandpup. If you grandparent cats, dogs or other, he is the child who never grows up, like us he will only grow old.
Unlike traditional granpups, your Storm lives with you 24/7, making him your pupson more than grandpup because it you spoil him, you do not have the freedom to send him home and have your kids deal with the outcome.