I keep hearing the statement, 60 IS THE NEW 40. This is being said by 60 year
olds. Does this mean 30 is the new 10? The first time I heard this wisdom, my
cousin was sharing his wonderful Florida life, with our younger relatives. He
turned to me and said, " Judy don't you agree"? My answer, "I wish someone
would tell my back"!
Even if you color your hair, extend it, wig it, wear spandex, botox your
face, and have cosmetic surgery, I suspect your body will still know the truth,
and still act your real age, regarding aches and pains.
I read that Michael Jackson's autopsy showed he had extreme arthritis, and
his hair was really gray. He was still a great dancer, singer and entertainer
but if age could effect him, what hope do the rest of us have?
As the old commercial used to say, You Can't Fool Mother Nature. It would
certainly be nice to be appreciated and honored for your age and wisdom. Think
what I could save on wrinkle creams alone? My New Jersey cousin and I had a
lengthy discussion about the show Pippin and the role of the Grandmother. Her
memorable line, " maybe if I refuse to grow old, I can stay young till I die"
We are all finite beings, frustrating but true. I am trying to make the best of
my time, I hope it's a long time. Do you think 80's think they are really