I called to reactivate my mother's T.V. service, in Florida. " I need the
social security number of the person on record for this account. The person
on record is deceased. My mother has been paying the account. I am sorry what
is the person of record's account, may I speak with him?
My father is DEAD, mother wants to watch T.V., reactivate it NOW!
A pious man explains to his followers, it is evil to take lives and noble
to save them. Each day i pledge to save 100 lives. I drop my net in the lake
and scoop out 100 fishes. I place the fishes on the bank, where they flop and
twirl. Don't be scared i tell the fish, I am saving you from drowning!. Soon
enough, the fishes grow calm and lie still. Yet, sad to say, I am always too
late. The fishes expire. And because it is evil to waste anything, I take the
dead fishes to the market, and sell them for a good price. With the money I
receive, I buy more nets so i can save more fish.
To my family and friends in Florida, I love you.
Love the fish story, which reminds me of what is happening to education these days, with the Common Core Learning Standards. I have both of my parents' social security numbers for those moments of insanity when such information is demanded despite a death certificate that proves that such information is irrelevant at this time. Emotionally draining, isn't this?