Teachers know all of the holidays. Especially early childhood teachers. Each holiday, and there are many, I prepared worksheets, poems, and an art project or two, or twelve... and sometimes we cooked a traditional dish. Eating projects were always a favorite. For years my curriculum revolved around ground hogs, black cats, eggs, and revisiting dead Presidents. Our family vacations were decided by Dr. King and Good Friday. Retired now, I have to admit I miss it all.
Some years it was not so simple. One memorable parent thought my Halloween projects were spreading the devil's word. I was careful not too wear too much black eyeliner, or dark capes. I was the "Nightmare On Elm Street" and I was part of the plot. Scary stuff.
The other event caused by the holidays, was the annual assembly programs. These are minor Broadway productions involving 50-75 five year olds. I found myself turning into Gypsy's stage mother Rose, as I screamed " Sing Out Louise , Jamel, Shemeca". With Mr Zigfield in the audience casting for his next show... We had scripts, stage decorations, and after parties. I wonder if any of my budding singers and dancers ever made it to show biz? I wonder of they even remember?
I no longer celebrate the holidays in school. This year, I did read the precious baby "P" some cute Chanukah books. We celebrated with the BIG family, lite candles, and ate potato pancakes, opened presents, admired babies, congratulated our newest couple, and cried with cousins still feeling the effects and wrath of "Sandy". We all survived another year, and holiday season.
I want to wish you all a "HAPPY HAPPY", whatever holiday you may celebrate. As I told the kindergatners holiday is about family, food, gifts and lights.
Feel Well
Look Good
Be Healthy
Be Happy
Love Judy
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